Since late 2010 there has seen a mushrooming of online resources providing free and paid access to quality resources where web developers and designers can learn to code and build websites from scratch. I
ndians are believe to constitute the second largest group of online learners on many of these websites after the US. Given below is the most comprehensive resource of online websites and tutorials to jump-start your web designing career.
These resources have been compiled in July 2014 and will be updated as and when we come across new resources. Many of these tutorial websites charge a fee for members but you can always look up a course on torrent websites to check it’s quality, before you fork out the money.
Code Academy –
currently offers the following tracks for web developers : HTML/CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Python, Ruby, PHP and API’s.
PHP Academy –
A dedicated portal for learning PHP using videos and offers several advanced PHP tutorials for users.
SQL Zoo –
is a step-by-step tutorial with live interpreters, allowing access to tables using any of Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Access or PostgreSQL engines.You can learn any of the major databases on here for free.
Code School–
has many different paths like Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML/CSS, Sass, iOS development etc.
Code Combat –
teaches you how to code while playing a game. It offers more than 6 different games to learn Javascript, python, coffescript, clojure, lua and Io.
Learnable –
This is a paid service and offers a free 14 day trial for new users, it offers tutorials on varied topics like HTML & CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Design & UX, Mobile and Workflow.
Team Treehouse –
Is a well designed site that offers a free one month trial for the following online courses : WordPress Development, jQuery Basics, Web Design, Front-end Web Development, Programming with JavaScript & jQuery, Rails Development,iOS Development, Create apps for the iPhone and iPad, Android Development, Learn Java, PHP Development, Starting a Business etc.
Tutsplus –
is one of the oldest online resources for web developers and comes from the trusted stable of Envato. It offers a much more detailed and in depth tutorials on varied topics organized under the following topics : Design & Illustration, Code, Web Design, Music & Audio, Photography, 3D & Motion Graphics and Business.
The Code Player–
plays code like a video helping people to learn front end technologies like HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Jquery easily, quickly and interactively.
Code Avengers –
Learn how to code games, apps and websites with fun and effective interactive games. HTML, CSS and JavaScript tutorials are for beginners.
Learnstreet –
Offers free courses in JavaScript, Python and Ruby and has more than 100 interactive exercises in each course.
Udemy –
Offers online courses on topics as varied as Web development, Yoga, Guitar lessons, or anything else.It has more than 3 million students and about 16,000 courses ! It offers both free and paid courses.
Khan Academy –
has a dedicated section for computer programming where you learn to write programs and build games using Javascript and the ProcessingJS library. The focus of the website is more on science subjects and school work.
Plural Sight –
Is one of the largest tech and creative learning library online and has some very good courses and content by experienced professionals. It offers both paid and free content and tutorials.
Lynda –
Is one of the oldest resources online and also the largest with more 4 million users. The fact that most of it’s tutorials are pirated and available for download on torrent sites shows they are among the best in business.
Alison –
Alison provides free, certified courses from the World’s Top Publishers and is supported by google and microsoft.
Killer PHP –
Provides beginner PHP Video Tutorials for Beginners and developers.
One Month –
Provides the most in demand tech courses spread out over one month. Their Ruby on Rails program is rated one of the best courses online.
Web Design –
provides professional web design training with WordPress. One of the few websites focused just on WordPress.
Paul Lund –
A leading web developer from UK who works on wordpress and PHP has created several tutorials for freelancers.
CodeHS –
Learn to code and program with Tutors.
Udacity –
offers courses in Web Development, Software Engineering, Android and even an online Masters in CS from Georgia Tech.
Coursera –
Coursera offers one of the widest varieties of courses from some of the best universities in the world.
Edx –
Offers free online courses on an open source platform from only the best universities in the world.
Future Learn –
Enjoy free online courses from leading UK and international universities.
Canvas Network –
Offers both free and paid courses on a wide variety of topics
iVersity –
is a platform for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
Online Course Aggregator.
If the above links are not enough you can explore more links at course aggregators like
Skilled Up –
Slider Rule –
Course Talk –
Class Central –
Course Buffet –