What Colors will your theme be available in ?
- black
- blue
- brown
- gray
- green
- orange
- pink
- purple
- red
- silver
- tan
- white
- yellow
- dark
- light
Hwo many columns will a theme have ?
- one-column
- two-columns
- three-columns
- four-columns
- left-sidebar
- right-sidebar
What kind of a Layout will your theme be built on ?
- fixed-layout
- fluid-layout
- responsive-layout
What are the some of the Features that you can incorporate into your theme ?
- accessibility-ready
- blavatar
- buddypress
- custom-background
- custom-colors
- custom-header
- custom-menu
- editor-style
- featured-image-header
- featured-images
- flexible-header
- front-page-post-form
- full-width-template
- microformats
- post-formats
- rtl-language-support
- sticky-post
- theme-options
- threaded-comments
- translation-ready
Will your theme be for a specific genre,topic or subject ?
- holiday
- photoblogging
- fitness
- seasonal
- news
- fashion
What framework will your wordpress theme be built on ?
- Bootstrap
- Thematic
- Genesis
- Canvas
A list of good frameworks