Gaurishankar was at inmobi when he delivered this talk but has since shifted to .
Salient points of his talk are given below :
Get a co-founder for yourself
Who, what , how many ? Complementary skills ?
2 seems like a magic number – Sachin and Binny Bansal. Steve jobs and Wozniak.
What about the idea ?
Most business ideas fail. The successful companies are the ones that can take that initial idea and morph it one, two or three times into a better version.
Inmobi for instance started out as a mobile search company and now among top 3 companies in the world for mobile ads.
So build the best ship and you will sail farther than others.
Scaling Up
Outsiders view of how a successful startup scales is step by step grown in reality is is low for a long time and then suddenly shoots up.
Get your product market combo right
Biggest Market Vs Focus
Inmobi for isntance decided to go from east to west.
Focus on 3-4 key metrics in your business and track them relentlessly.
Example : Inmobi – Cost per million impressions.
Roi – Cost per action.
Don’t fuck up the culture.
Air-Bnb – Peter Thiel told it’s founders. Work culture separates the great from the good.
Interesting read about Netflix culture