You need to religiously believe in your idea.
So when we faced discouragement we launched a MVP.
Do one thing at a time.
Marketing – Only facebook for one year.
Be obsessed with Growth.
Always take your chances.
We knew who are not our customers.
Always know your competition inside out. Knowing about the landscape.
Measure everything, Do A/B testing.
People work on their passion, we monetize their passion.
Keep expenses low.
Swiggy model – I will do only order generation and I will take 20% commission. The model is simple and scalable.
Differentiate between high quality growth and low quality growth.
Keep it simple.
Pick a big market and offer a solution that has no alternative
Voonik did this by offering unbranded clothes, which account for 80% of the volume. They targeted Tier 2, Tier 3 cities.
Pick a market you can win with a lousy product.
Picking the market is the first step in a startup.
FMCG companies have got customers to experience their brands.
Snap Deal ( Dil ki Deal) tried it for you.
We are not in the industrialized economy anymore, we are in the connected economy.
Five questions to ask as a Brand
1 Who should I target.
2. How do I connect
3. Is the experience unique to the customer.
4. Is the experience unique for the brand.
5. Am I capitalizing on the content.
Ingredients for Product Marketing Success
- Setting Business Goals
- Building Customer Persona’s
- Implementing Tools for Tracking.
- Following a process.
- Culture.