- Attitude – Don’t give up
- Discipline
- Story Telling
Dhanush had 93 failures before the 94 song became hit – Kolaveri Di
Rovio , the video game developer had 53 flops before the 54th became a hit.
Ginsu Knives can cut through a shoe.
Story Telling – To engage with people , because everybody loves a good story.
- Character
- Plot
- Narrative
- Use of Emotions
Chunking of Time – Only way we work these days.
Discipline beats Intelligence, talent, numbers and motivation.
Perseverance and discipline can make up for some lack of talent and skill. But it will only get someone so far. If someone doesn’t try, they can’t do. But at some point everyone has a limit, even the talented. So it’s more clear to say that perseverance and discipline will allow someone to reach their full potential.
- Smart Work
- Concessions
- Persistance – People will never see your idea the way you see it. It is unique to your mental makeup and genes.
- Multi Tasking
She changed her cant’s into can’s and her dreams into plans.
The Future of Computing
- Computers started out as tools for management.
- They became personal.
- Then they were being used to collaborate.
- Now it is people to machines.
- Machine to machine is the future.
- Network – Cyber security.